What is Carer Positive?

Carer Positive encourages employers to create a supportive working environment for carers in the workplace.

The Carer Positive award is presented to employers in Scotland who have a working environment where carers are valued and supported. Carer Positive employers recognise the importance of retaining staff, reducing absence, and decreasing avoidable recruitment costs.

As a Carer Positive Exemplar employer, VOCAL are committed to supporting employers of all sizes with their Carer Positive journey and achieve the ‘Engaged’ status embarking on their Carer Positive journey.

VOCAL can assist with:

  • creating a caring culture
  • reviewing internal policies/ procedures and assisting in the development of a carers’ policy
  • supporting your application and evidence base to Carer Positive
  • establishing your internal employee Carers’ Network
  • delivering open and bespoke training to senior management, line mangers and staff teams
  • sharing guidance on engaging and communicating with employees around caring

“The Carer Positive team is very proud to have worked closely with VOCAL for many years. We have seen at first hand the valuable support they provide, both to carers and local employers, providing knowledge and expertise which has benefitted many organisations.

We look forward to continuing a strong and successful partnership with VOCAL and will always be happy to recommend their services to employers and carers alike”.

– Sue McLintock, Manager Carer Positive
