Family and friends can play an important role in the lives of people with alcohol or drug problems. They can help to support an individual to make important changes however this comes at a cost, as the chaos of addiction does not just affect the individual but also those close to them. At times it can feel like being on a rollercoaster; there can be worry, stress and difficult decisions.
What we do
Family Support Addictions is a service for people who are worried about someone else’s addiction. We provide information and support to family members, friends and partners in their own right. The provision of independent emotional support and information can reduce isolation, help families and friends to get more balance in their life and think through the role they want to play.
We provide one to one support over the phone, face to face or via email. This can be an opportunity to offload concerns in a neutral and safe space. It can also be an opportunity to discuss how the situation is affecting family and friends, and identify areas they would like to change.
We also provide information, and can help with accessing other appropriate services and support. As well as meeting one to one we run monthly support groups, courses, occasional workshops and de-stressing activities. Often meeting other people in a similar situation can be invaluable. Please contact us for further information.
What geographical area does the service cover?
The Family Support Addictions team provide support to people living in Edinburgh and Midlothian – for information relevant to each area see the Family Support Addictions page.