Today (6 October) marks European Carers Day, a multi-national campaign which aims to drive recognition of caring across Europe. This year’s focus is on young carers, with organisations being asked to identify, listen and support our young people with caring responsibilities.
In Edinburgh, VOCAL (Voice of Carers Across Lothian), Edinburgh Young Carers, Space and Capital Carers have announced a new partnership to support young carers who may become young adult carers.
European Carers Day highlights the importance of collaboration, recognising that goals can be achieved more efficiently and effectively in partnership. The transition from young to adult carer is an important milestone and this new Edinburgh partnership will support a smooth transition for young carers at a critical time in their lives.
The partnership will focus on being person-centred and ensuring that the most relevant services are provided based on a young person’s needs, wants and circumstances.
Margaret Murphy, CEO, Edinburgh Young Carers said:
“Many young carers go unnoticed or unrecognised and our work focuses on identifying young carers at that early stage to prevent a crisis. The transition from ‘young’ carer to ‘adult’ carer can be an emotional and difficult journey and we welcome this new development to further support Edinburgh’s vast network of carers.”
Sebastian Fischer, CEO, VOCAL added:
“VOCAL is taking part in European Carers Day for the second year running. Our charity advocates partnerships locally, nationally and across Europe, as geographical boundaries don’t apply when it comes to the challenges and issues faced by carers. Developing links between young and adult carer support organisations will provide better support for young people.”
Space, Amanda Farquhar, Service Manager, Youth and Families explained:
“As a community organisation working with families in such ranging circumstances, we see first-hand the impact of caring on a young person’s wellbeing, both physically and mentally throughout their lives. Building on our Young Adult Carers project, this is an important step in helping Edinburgh’s young people and we are looking forward to developing innovative approaches to caring.”
Capital Carers, Manager, Ron Carthy said:
“We know that there are approximately 5,000 young carers in Edinburgh, but we are acutely aware that this doesn’t include those who don’t consider themselves as carers or those who took on caring responsibilities as a result of the pandemic. Identifying young carers early, and supporting them through relevant pathways will have the powerful potential to reduce harm and create positive impact.”
To find out more about the support available to carers in Edinburgh, visit:
- Edinburgh Young Carers,
- Capital Carers,
- Space,